myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: .dsl not working?
it can vary ..... I dont know them for all of them but they should be owned by dsl staff........
check the md5 sums of your down load against the ones in the repository open an xterm type md5sum any.dsl (where any is the name of the file > txt. this will make a text file containing the md5sum in /home/dsl double click it to view then go to the repository and veiw the md5sum there the two sets of code should be identical if they are then its a permission issue and you are probably better of re downloading as diff dsl may have diff perms.........
cant think of owt else... sorry
do it as root?
can you run emelfm as root?, or do have to use the console?
mpie: Instead of manually comparing two numbers, you could just download the original md5.txt into the same directory as the archive. Run "md5sum -c filename.txt".
jerome2: I've gotten "invalid tar magic" errors, they turned out to be corrupt downloads. A redownload fixed it.
chickenman: "sudo emelfm", or "sudo su - -c emelfm"
---> DON'T use FIREFOX to download extensions !! <---
Use the wget console utility, or the myDSLgui desktop app.
Even dillo works better ...
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