myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: How do i run .dls applications?

Quote (ke4nt1 @ Aug. 20 2004,14:53)
Try "mydsl-load name_of_app.dsl" from the command line.


i tried that and got a 'command not found'.. i also dont have a MyDSL button in emelfm?

any ideas?  :(

as far as I remember...
the mydsl-load command has been in DSL since 0.7.1,
as well as the mydsl-load button...

I think the myDSLgui came onboard in 0.7.2

What version are you running ?

Are you trying this as "root" ?
(try user "damnsmall" or "dsl" , rather than root. )
the "root" user status is not necessary ..


i did an hdinstall so im not sure but i think it might be 0.7? is there any command i can type to see my version?

if i do have 0.7 (which would explain why i dont have MyDSL stuff), is there anyway of upgrading? without losing all my files and settings?

thanks  :)

where is the  mydsl button? i cant see it, is there a way i can run the .dsl file from bash, without using emelfm?
yeah, i think i have versio 7 aswell, is there any way to upgrade, without loosing files or settings

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