myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: xmahjohngg
Hello I notice that xmahjohngg has alt setts of tiles what are the commands for specifying the size,type of tiles.......
there appear to be lots of options in the /opt files...
Look at the startup command...
I've added a few switches to the command to make it run better
on 800x600 laptops.. If you bypass the switches , you get the
default, which is 1024x768 with wooden icons, I think...
There is a switch, "-T" maybe, that will let you enter the tileset
you want to use..
Diolch yn fawr...........(thanks very much)
thats better tiles where i little bit ickle...
ok update on xmahjongg..........
there are three switches -t for tiles -l for layout -g for grid....
the -g switch is not really needed if the small or gnome tiles are used as the field is only made as large as needed for the tile layout.
the layout switch has various different levels to try very intresting, however the only way i have found to change these is to edit the .xdesktop ink files or the fluxbox menu file
i cannot execute it from the command line it complains about invalid tiles and being installed incorrectly...... this is a shame as i way trying to write a selector shell script where you pick the variables then it executes but it will not run from command line.(not the script xmahjongg)
as it selects the variables but cant execute...
anybody got any ideas..
Slightly off thread here, but since it uses the same tiles, any chance of xshisen appearing?
My daughters were addicted to it (subtle way of introducing them to linux).
in haste
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