myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Trying to GIMP2
i was trying to install gimp2 in my dsl (always onlive version in a hard disk)
i have finished 2 bottle of coke, but now works......
i explain how i do it
apt-get frome testing gimp
via apt get i have some many errors, that stop the decompress process of dpkg
so i decompress manually the deb packacges
and i put in manually in the destination folders (i use personzlized buttons from emelfm to create dsl files and install they)
after that i try to execute gimp
but gimp need some libraries that i need to install manually
normally placed in /usr/X11R6/liblibXrandr*
but this path don't work in dsl so i put then in /usr/bin to test - (how can i preserve the original destination of the libraries?)
gimp2 starts
but there are a problem with the gtk as u can see in the screenshot...
seem to works at least some things, but there are a lot of work before to make a definitive package
one thing that could be great is that the people that is working in related dsl projects goes ino the official irc channel ( #damnsmalllinux)
i feel always alone there ;-)
Screenshot of Gimp2
vivre le fromage
et la rillette du mans
I'm guessing the startup command is "gimp"
If you type "gimp --help" ,
are their any path switches that can accompany the command?
Study the "abiword" package.. ( abiword.dsl )
It installs to /opt , a good thing for folks who are memory challenged.
( /opt is natively writable in the filesystem )
Abiword also has gtk2 in it's .dsl build...
Perhaps it will give you some pointers about how to work with gtk2
in DSL and in unusual locations....
For example, in the XMahjongg.tar.gz package ,
the xmahjongg command has an option called --config-dir , which
tells the executable WHERE the location of the configuration data is..
there aren't any paths to change from the command line, from gimp,
the problems seems to be in the configuration of the libraries of pango in the gtk2
what does exactly does the utility apt-get, after download?
configure? if i save all the *.deb can i make the same configuration via dpkg or another way? how?
i have tried to make a simple dsl with all the deb files required, but
don't work, i need to find each one of the libraries that need to be configured and how
i has been analizing packages that's works with gtk2 like abiword ,,
but i think are quite differents...
anyway with the method in my last post gimp2 works quite well
so many thinks to learn at the same time...
I use synaptic and the non-official debian sarge-dvd to install gimp. It comes with the version 1-3 (the old ist 1-2) and i have to start it so (gimp1-3). It works fine. vabene
gimp 2.0 is working correctly now in a onlive cd...
but i guess that the dsl pacakge will be a little bit big
in a few days i'll send to ke4nt1..
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