myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: MyDsl applications

I 'm a dsl hd user to the bone,
and i download all the dsllpackages, some of them i allready installed on my harddisk:
#sudo su
#cd /
#tar zxvf x.dsl

the lastline is to update the cache.
I will try to post a list of packages that work, but here is allready a small ( read fast ) list... :

tcltk8.3 dsl

and from the testing area:
amsn.dsl -> needs tcltk8.3 dsl

I hope this helped a bit.


dsls are better because they handle all the dependancies in 1 file, no more searching for that file it refuses to install without, dsls are gonna be 1 of the things that make people move to linux, no more compiling from source, debs go half-way but dsls are brillian:) :) :) :) :) :)
don't tar, use the mydsl button in emelfm or mydsl-load <packagename>
dsls are better because they handle all the dependancies in 1 file, no more searching for that file it refuses to install without, dsls are gonna be 1 of the things that make people move to linux, no more compiling from source, debs go half-way but dsls are brillian

DSL extentions work because they are tested on DSL only...DSL is basically the same on every machine.  That doesn't make the extensions better than other packages.  They can actually be worse, depending on the application.  Some DSL extentions are stripped of functionality just so they'll work in DSL.  Others are compiled on other systems and just happen to work ok in DSL....doesn't mean they'll work as well as they would on the original system.  As I've said many times before, the most brilliant way to install a program is to compile it from source....this isn't so easy with DSL, so we make do with what works.

Actually what making a dsl file is all about is taking the binary of the program, the dependency files, and then taring them into a file called *.dsl...

It is similar to the method that I use to make mods for a firewall distro called SmoothWall, and this how I get most of them done...
1.  Get a RPM
2.  Extract the program using RPMExtractor (so I know what files and what dir I need to add)
3.  Install the RPM in my Fedora box
4.  Create the tarball using the filelist and
Code Sample
To make a tarball:
tar -zcvf /tmp/filename.tgz -T /tmp/files.txt

-z filter the archive through gzip
-c create a new archive
-v verbosely list files processed
-f use archive file or device ARCHIVE
-T get names to extract or create from file NAME

Sample files.txt:

To extract the file:
tar -zxvf /tmp/filename.tgz -C /

-z filter the archive through gzip
-x extract files from an archive
-v verbosely list files processed
-f use archive file or device ARCHIVE
-C change to directory DIR
That method
5.  Move the tarball to my SmoothWall box and test, if it fails a dependecy I just add the dependecy file to the /tmp/files.txt and retarball...

You can substitute the .tgz with .dsl I bet and still have it work


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