myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL Wishlist

I'm curious if anyone has looked at XPde/XPwm?  I know some things are virtually impossible because of deps, but this is way over my head.  

Please, b4 branding me a  Linux heretic and organizing a mob to burn me :angry:, consider the fact that many people must constantly switch back and forth from Bill's world to that of Linus and anything that allows them to "just do it" rather than having to spend time figuring out "how to do it" is a real time-saver.  I've never really liked Luna myself, it's rather garish.  But, it is what probably 80%+ of the world looks at on a daily basis.  So, I find the idea of making crossover a no-brainer very interesting ???.;t=2427
xpde would be cool,
it would make dsl more n00b compatable, personally i think xp sucks, it's not that it isn't stability wise better than some of the crap microsoft has rolled out, it's just the stupid bleeding colours and the balloons telling you stuff you knew when you were 4.
i have never used xpde but i guess it will carry most of the annoyances accross, if you want a n00b compatable wm then how about fvwm, i might use that when i eventually take up the task of introducing my family to linux.

ico2 -
Thanks, but I think you may have missed the point.  I can vaguely recall fvwm from the days when it was one of the 3 or 4 WMs that existed, very Win95-ish if memory serves.  Probably rather primitive compared to fluxbox or IceWM, both of which I'm actually rather fond of.  What I'm looking for is something so that I don't have to stop and think "O.K. Now I'm in Linux, how do I edit a text file again?"  No, I'm not stupid, I just consider it very inefficient having to think about how to accomplish such a simple task :D !  Converting the M$ masses is a great side-project, but not my primary goal.

mikshaw -
I haven't seen 0.5.1 yet, but 0.5.0 was more like a proof of concept, really no more than a skeleton of a desktop and window manager.  Although it never even occurred to me that it might not be configurable.  A number of custom apps are available at but I'm waiting for debXPde 1.0.0 (aka Barnix) to get some idea what can be done with it.  If it can't be configured, then it'll be utterly worthless as a generic desktop & WM though.  Another good idea poorly executed, I guess.  Thanks for your link & feedback!

It looked to me like 0.5.1 is still proof of concept....the look is pretty much the same as XP, and it seems like it will eventually have very similar access to configuration, such as a control panel and display configuration that looks like XP, but these features are very limited in its present state.
Plus the lack of customization in other areas which are standard in just about any other window manager (start menu for example) makes me think that this is not yet ready for a linux user, much less a windows user.

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