myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: fortune

Hello, world! :cool:

IMHO, the greatest invention of the *NIX system's just couldn't be omitted in any GNU/Linux distribution ;-)

That is the reason, why I've created myDSL package containing more than 2.5 MB of UNIX fortunes along with the Berkeley (OpenBSD) ``fortune'' binary compilled with gcc under ASPLinux v9.0 (a russian RH 9.0 hack), which is compatibe with Debian and, hence, most likely - with Damn Small Linux.
So, is there any location (preferably, FTP) I can upload / mail it, or it is necessarily to dislocate it on your own server in order for it to be added to the myDSL packages database?

Have a nice day and let the source be with you! ;-)

P.S. I've recently made one more package of the DSL - ``artpack'', containing my free (as in GNU ;-)) images for being used as the desktop wallpapers, perhaps, you'd also be interested in it?

mail it to:  extensions[at]damnsmalllinux[dot]org

original here.