myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Compressed .ci files

I only can see 2 .ci files in DSL repositories
Is it very difficult to make one by myself? I've searched in forums but I can't see any method for doing .ci files

gui, there was this post Topic: How to make Compressed ISO (.ci) that explains it.

When you search, you might try looking on "All open forums" and "from the beginning" as the search options.  I kept wondering why I couldn't find things using search that I knew I had read, and it turned out that was the reason.

Quote (clacker @ Aug. 10 2004,15:47)
gui, there was this post Topic: How to make Compressed ISO (.ci) that explains it.

When you search, you might try looking on "All open forums" and "from the beginning" as the search options.  I kept wondering why I couldn't find things using search that I knew I had read, and it turned out that was the reason.

Ok thanks a lot!

original here.