myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Mozilla Thunderbird dsl

I can not use Mozilla Thunderibird .dsl I've downloaded (wget) several times and tested md5sum and it's ok...Is there some special hint to make it work? Somebody has same problem?

there are known issues on this dsl I am working on a rebuild but may take a while, sorry......
Actually, I'm as much to blame for this issue as anyone else...

There was some discussion about this issue in the forums.
It was only recently that the decision was made to drop
the current build, and work from other sources...

I was delaying in placing the build offline until this discussion was completed..  
I certainly could, and perhaps should have removed it sooner...

Kinda hoping someone with a little more "savvy" than I,
could re-engineer this package...

It will be a welcome addition to the DSL repository...

Thanks for the feedback, gui...


Is it possible  to add another mail client instead Thunderbird? I know Mozilla-Thunderbird is a very good one,but perhaps another ....Mozilla/Mozilla-Mail is very big I think ...Let's see If I can find any...
if you find a debian based pack that does a straight install no pauses use cbaggers fabulous deb2dsl script to make a dsl of it to add to the rep. I think most users like having options when it comes t mail clients...
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