myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: AMSN

I have a HDD install of DSL and I cant get amsn to go!
First i downloaded the amsn.dsl from myDSL, then once that did nothing and I realised i needed tcltk8.3 dsl so i got that. It still does nothing so i decide to be ambitious and assume theres something screwed about amsn.dsl and go dl the tarball of amsn off sourceforge. I untar that but cant "wish" it, i realise this is part of the tcltk8.3 dsl and when i gointo /use/bin wish is there. so i have no idea what to do basically, did my installing of amsn.dsl before tcltk8.3.dsl #### everything up? or is it just my being a n00b?

Any help would be greatfully appreciated.

well i got ayttm.dsl and that runs msn so i am happy for now, but I would still rather be using amsn as I think its better but I dont really mind all that much. If anyone could directly point out where i srewd up i'd appreciate it still, thanks.
You need to load the tcltk8.3.dsl first, then amsn.dsl.   Is your's a frugal or poor-man's install?  It's always best to test this stuff on a LiveCD first.  In fact, if you did a normal install to HDD, then you need to load the gnu-utils.dsl and activate apt-get.  You may be able to apt-get what you need.
can i now somehow delete amsn then re-install it? I'm getting gnu-utils.dsl now so i'll see what that does. thanks for your help.
forgot this, you also need dsl-dpkg.dsl to be able to apt-get.
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