myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: gnomeicu

I've sent last week my first .dsl: gnomeicu (an gnome emulator of Mirabilis Icq) I'm using it every day...but I do not see it in something wrong with it?
ke4nt is in progress w/ a LOT of submissions.  Look at some of the postings in this area.  He just posted over the weekend a lot of recently completed .dsl files.  Your's was not in the list.  He has stated that if you do not include a .info file or  .md5 sum, then that could hold up getting it put in the repository.  He also has to edit each file to make it backwards compatible, edit permissions, make sure it doesn't overwrite base DSL libs and a few other things.
Have patience. :)


If I have an issue, I may set it aside for now, only to help
resolve the floodgate of incoming extensions..
Usually, a good swift kick about thigh-high works to get me going..  :)

Seems I needed to give it a little T.L.C... the usual...
nothing serious as I recall...

Did I get your .info file?
I remember the md5 with your app, but not the .info

I typically wait till I get all 3 files, .dsl, .md5.txt, .info file, before I post them...
Recently I even posted up a few in testing without them...
Only because I received email that they were in progress and on-the-way...
I may think twice before doing THAT again, as the ? ? reflect poorly on the repository..

Let me know when I'll get yours, or if I did and missed it.
I'll post your contrib in testing with the next batch..

I think I posted up about 20 over the weekend..
Thanks to all for a great effort.... Good Work..


Exactly hats off and kudos too him , I'm sure it will appear asap there have been a huge amount sent over the weekend, please just bear with it............. :D it will all come out in the wash....

It's in testing...
Please send your .info file for completing the webpage and author/location data..


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