myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: new  my dsl apps

hi everybody

i have been playing with dsl, since a few months in my free time (between 00:00 and 5:00, :-) )

and is exellent as distro..

at the same time, i was working with dsl packages:

the results:

gtksee -----0.5.2 --------- an exellent image viewer ----- -working ok
gqcam -----0.9 -----------utillity for the webcam -------- -working - testing
pan---------0.11.2 ------- mail & news reader -------------working ok
bluefish ----0.7 ----------- an html editor ------------------working ok
d4x --------1.30 ----------downloader for x --------------working ok
dia ---------0.88.1 --------simple utility to flowcharts ----working ok
gps---------1.1.0----------graphical process statistic-----working ok
gtkfind---------------------utility to find files --------------working ok
gxproc---------------------utility to analize your pc -------working ok
prozilla-----2.05beta------download acelerator -----------working ok
ripperx-----2.xx-----------mp3 ripper ---------------------on the way
usbview ---1.0-----------------------------------------------working ok
eagle ------4.11.r2 -------schematic, pcb, analysis -------working ok - limited
qcad ------- -----cad for linux --------------------working ok - limited
amaya -----8.5.1 ----------another html editor -----------working ok
vlc ---------0.7.2 ----------the best video player----------partially working
gpsim -----0.20.14--------simulator for micropic pic's----partially
glade ------0.64-----------editor for gtk+ apps -------------working ok

others that i would like to do:

pikdev ---------------------utility to write asm code for micro's
ldasm ----------------------disassembler for linux like W32DASM
bartels auto engineer-----software for electronics

and others

all of this apps, are in *.dsl, with entry in the myDSL menu and with icon in the desktop.

i hope they will be in the testing area in a few days...

la puissance de la betrave.......

Oh....heck yeah!  gtksee...gps...amaya....nice stuff.  You need to be sending ke4nt1 some emails :cool:
I have already recieved several this evening...
Thanks Danini, for your time and contributions..


Your files are " in processing"

Please send bluefish !
Any "Ham Radio"/Amateur Radio apps ?


I look forward to gqcam!  I had this working on Morphix at one time, right before I hosed the box.  :p

original here.