myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: deb software packages

hmmm i didnt see synaptic in the repository.
You get Synaptic through a menu item in fluxbox.  You have to do the dsl-dpkg.dsl  or dpkg-restore and then "enable apt" in the menu, then "get synaptic".  It might be under a "Got Bandwidth?" link in the menu.  I don't have DSL up in front of me right now.  After you click on get synaptic it will download to your PC and install in ramdisk if live.

but i want the .dsl file......
I made one and send it. it works with dpkg.dsl on my sytem without any problems. Just wait.
vabene04, if you have a synaptic.dsl then send it in.  WE could all benefit from being able to drop it in our custom ISOs.  Well, I could anyway.  :)
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