myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: .DSLs not working in 0.7.3

I built a custom ISO using WinISO to include many .dsl files yesterday.  I just ran the livecd on a powerful beast of a box (P4 2.4GHz, 1GB of ram) for testing.

Some of the .dsl files I realize are from the testing area, but I wanted to report on the working status of them all ASAP.  All files were downloaded the morning of 7/28/04.  Can't be more specific than that.

Not working:
Abiword, barrage, bittorent, gcompris, giftui, gimp1_2, mathwar, nessus, nmap, t-bird, penguin-command, tuxpaint, xchat, xpen, xvc.
I'm really looking forward to getting t-bird, Abiword and xchat working.  Gcompris and some of the other games are for the kids, so they don't mess up the PC.

Working: ace, doom, dsl-xjig, firefox.tar.gz, gcombust, gv, j2re1.4.2.tar.gz, kjvbible, lgames, mplayer, pente, python2.3, rox, samba, scite, toppler, tuxtype, wavemon, whitebox, xbill, xbubble.tar.gz, xephem, xgalaga, xine, xmahjong, xmame, xpat2, xpuyopuyo, ymess.

Not sure on: wv, php, dsl-dpkg, circuslinux, gnu-utils as there was nothing in the GUI to let me know if they worked or not, but I did load them.  I had all of the above  on this machine at the same time.  That shows you what a lot of ram in a PC is capable of.  Where my testing may suck is in the fact that I was looking at output or accessibility from the GUI interface.  Either a desktop icon or be able to launch from the right click MyDSL menu.  Also noticed that the wheel on my MS optical USB wheel mouse didn't work for scrolling.

If for some reason any of the .dsl files will not work when others are loaded let me know and I can retest.  I did this pretty fast.  With the games I mainly checked that I could open them up and start a game.  Wavemon installed and then output to the screen that I should run from the cmd line, my wireless card is at home in the laptop.   T-bird showed up on the mydsl menu, but wouldn't start up.  Same thing with gimp.   I never got an out of memory message, maybe that was the problem with gimp as it was one of the last tested.

The only file I'm aware of having some issues is the t-bird.dsl
It seems to want to find some directories in /home/damnsmall ( like /.mozilla-thunderbird ),
but it must create these for you in the second part of the install, when you install from .deb, and not .dsl.

First, try to install all the extensions from the main area only.
These are pretty well tested, and I've gotten good feedback on most all of them..
The files in the testing area are truly "at your own risk", and even 1 bad extension can cause problems
with your icons and mydsl from menus launching properly..

I'm still making progress with the "testing" area, but here lately, with the testing and release of 0.7.3, and so many
extensions being donated by contributors, they're stacking up, and the working releases get first dibs over the ones that
require more TLC to make ready.

As far as your non-working list goes, here is what I know to date.

Abiword - good - been working for months now.
barrage - in testing - new
bittorrent - x-shell setup - cli
gcompris - in testing -
giftui - good
gimp1_2 - good
mathwar - good
nessus - good
nmap - good
t-bird - in testing - known issues
penguin-command - in testing - new
tuxpaint - good
xchat - testing
xpen - good - So Funny !!
xvc - good

Again, it only takes ONE extension with issues to make your menus and icons only PARTIALLY responsive..
Best to try to add them one-by-one, until you see your collection of icons begin to falter, or programs fail to execute.
Make a note, and don't install that one again.
Sometimes, no matter WHAT one you install next, they ALL fail, that means the previous one you installed was the culprit,
even though IT is working..

The ones in the main area have been checked for proper owners/ permissions and file structure of the icon and menu files.
The "testing" area is a work-in-progress as far as structure and permissions/owners go.

Your feedback on the ones in the "Main" area would be helpful.
Your feedback on the ones in "testing " would be valuable to me.
Mixing the 2 areas is a recipe for trouble..
Best to test them "one-at-a-time" , and see how they interact
with the stock enhanced desktop and menus.

I'm noticing that most of your "working" list is from the main area.

And "yes" , many of the extensions do not have either
icons or menus options. They are command line utilities only.

Did the themes work for you?

Thanks for the feedback...

And the ultraiso program is nice for building custom .iso's as well.


I didn't try any of the themes.  I've tried them with 0.7.0 or 0.7.1, but I generally like the default black theme.  I keep going back to it.  I'm not much of a theme junky.  My testing was by no means scientific, that's why I noted how I tested.  Some of those cmd line apps I've never used or not used in a while, so I didn't know if they had a frontend w/ them.  I was doing a quick and dirty test while here with a beefy machine.  I could possibly test OO.o here, but it wouldn't work on my home machine without freezing everything up, so I didn't include it in my ISO.  I'll try a more comprehensive test this weekend or tonight and post back.  I probably should try to build w/ all DSLs on the ISO.  I can't test the online repository at work or I might get smacked.  I like having the ones I know I'll use on the CD to save time when using.  For the bad ones on the CD, I can download from the net or reburn the ISO.

I just thought that some quick testing would help a bit.  And I wanted to be the first one.

I use WinISO because I'm used to its quirks by now and I can rebuild an ISO fast.

I'd really like results from a test using all the main area dsl files on a disc.

I did this myself last night, and had no troubles.
Of course, this is the machine that re-assembled them, so
even if they were BAD, they might still run good here.

Here are some of the apps listed in action from a fresh 0.7.3 LiveCD bootup.

Thanks again..


yes ke41nt when t-bird was packaged there is apause and a prompt to pass font management to deforma before the install finalises , i realise now the error put it down to newbie enthusiasm , am working on rectifying but does not seam to be a way around it with deb files may have to build and re-package from source this however is a bit trickier and may take awhile. when i tested t-bird it worked as all deps where present on my system , when tested wih live cd i think it may have mounted my drive to pick up files , since upgrade it will not work for me either when i get with apt there are 70mb of files that download.

on the upside all others work no issues on a hd install on my old turtle- congrats on your hard work

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