myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Self destructing wrappers

Can I ask for some opinions on this please;

I don't know if other people are already using things like this but I've just been
checking it works, which it does. Basically I have a program called 'name'
which I move to 'name2' and then add this wrapper called 'name' (using
'xv' as an example) ; file 'xv2' is the program, file 'xv' is this script;

##Run some commands.....
##(could be a "sudo ldconfig" for example)
rm /home/dsl/xvsource
##Self destruct this script by simply overwriting
##it with a link to the executable....
sudo ln -sf /usr/X11R6/bin/xv2 /usr/X11R6/bin/xv
##perform requested program.....
xv $1

Like I say I don't know if this is already commonly used BUT are people
happy for them to appear in .dsl's (and I warn users/Ke4nt of their
presence) ????

All the best.

You asked for opinions and so being one not to shy away from expressing mine:

I designed the myDSL system to be only a subset of the standard installaion files from an existing deb or tgz.  That way it can be easily created with the tar command. I wanted a system that would be easy for users to create, easy as possible on system resources, and to try to insure system integrity.

The idea of install scripts has been brought up and I worry with command like rm being in them. Or having to carefully look inside each extension for possible code that could harm a system.

I know we have setup the testing area. I know we put in bold red the warning of possible danger to hard drive users. And we even setup the color code system.  

Typical wrappers do not have rm or self destruct in them. They usually setup some paths and exports and then call for the execution of the program.

I think it is very amazing the amount and quaility of contributions based on the simple original idea of them being a simple collection from the original standard installion files.

Hi Robert,
          Yep I think I agree. There's something very unsettling about the way that script
looks. That's why I asked for opinions. I of course stick to original files with their
original headers/information in all dsl constructions (and wouldn't submit anything
that intentionally wasn't). I will not release any scripted material.
            All the best.

original here.