myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: mysql.dsl or .tar.gz (could someone make one?)

can someone do a dsl or .tar.gz of mysql that will work with monkey web server?

it is definately beyond my level of skill.

ico2, I have made one, but I could never upload it to the repository.  Take a look at the last post in this topic: yet another way to make dsl files

Has anyone given the sql that comes with the dsl distro a try?  SQLlite?  I see there are bindings for PHP and python on Debian for it.  That might make a really cool how-to, using SQLite and perl or one of those others to interact with data from a web page.  You know, post a form, collect data, process it, and make a new page from it.  Show people how to use SQLite, and perhaps they wouldn't need mySQL

I got interested in mySQL because I wanted to make a fantasy football server.  I though "hey, these games could be web based off of databases, I'll make a foutune!"  Then I did a quick Google search to see how many there already were.  To bad I had the idea few weeks ago and not a few years ago.  So you'll have to forgive me if I seem soured on the whole database thing.

In fact, John's SQLite book is just a web page, so you might be able to interface to SQLite from the straight out of the box DSL.  Look under the Apps->Office->SQLite Book menu and it pops up.  It would be nice to have a beginner's level how to on doing things with SQLite and perl or PHP.

original here.