myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004

will you start sorting them into categories soon? its quite confusing already >.< at least "games" and "apps"
Probably not, for now....

Perhaps that will change when we are dealing with several hundred extensions, not several dozen...

For now, we continue to improve the current filelists by adding features like
sorting by date or alphabetically, and giving each file a "rating" ..
With these tools, it's fairly easy to find what your lookin' for, either by name
or by date if you are searching for an extension that has been updated ...

Themes are usually green level...
Many small apps can usually be pushed to /opt, and become green level...
DSL system files are usually blue...
Small apps can usually be found as yellow...
The biggies are usually red level, due to the number of files they overwrite...

There is some thought on adding a "category" column...
G=games T=themes S=System file C=compressed iso M=multimedia etc..
It would be easy to add to the .info files.. then have the list sort by category.

Many new linux users find the often strange filenames difficult to recognise.
The .info files are there to help identify a package.
Perhaps a category column would help with this...


add the columns then :) sounds like a good idea.

i also had this problem with whitebox which wouldnt add anymore icons to the desktop, perhaps i have an old version. its still in testing though.  amsn works good. :)

Update - 08/08/2004 - ke4nt
Updated - 08/09/2004 - ke4nt
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