myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: New Extensions in Testing - 08 / 2004

OK, new test results.
The order will seem weird until you realize I sorted by date on the repository page, printed it and I'm using it as a checklist.

Bluefish - works
usbview - works
blast - works
falling tower - works
wmtictactoe - works
altitude-theme -works
striking-theme - works
blender223 - works
gtksee5.2 - works
gtkfind - works
aria - works
d4x - works
snake - works
new amsn - works
dreaming-theme - works
xfishtank - works
hexxagon - works
pipenightdreams - works
xfireworks - works
xscreensaverGTK - works
easytag (from somebody's website) - works
audacity (from ke4nt1's site) - no worky
xvc - don't think this works

Time to remaster w/ more new stuff!  
:p :O

Updated 08/12/2004 - ke4nt

I think the easytag and the audacity are from armelle's website..
They have been available for a while, and they may not be
cross-compat with user "dsl"...  Of course, they require SOUND..

( ....certainly worth a rebuild    ... I like audacity,
        and we don't have an mp3 tag utility yet...  )

nucpc, the owner of xvc,  checked out the rebuild, and gave it his blessing...
Another specific tool with special install instructions....
Because it is job/task - specific, I'm keeping it in the testing area
to keep it out of the hands of new users desktops...

I'm happy to see so many extensions behave the first time out !!
Good Work, Folks!

If we can get 1 or 2 more users to feedback a "Yea" or "Nay" ,
I can get them moved out of testing,
so they will be available from the myDSLgui desktop utility..


I forgot about the sound thing.  I was testing on my work PC again.  I can't seem to get motivated when I'm at home.  Too much stuff to fix in my new house.  Working on someone else's PC tonight.

One of the other apps was for MP3 tag editing.  Maybe aria?

Too much stuff to fix in my new house.

Sounds like a contradiction in terms....
I mean, I don't fix my new car, do I   :)

...just razzin ya' !!  congrats on the house....

Working on someone else's PC tonight.

Now THAT IS par for the course....
That happens every week,
...Meanwhile my computers sit with open cases,
...Hard drives hanging by cables,
...loose cd's everywhere...

...sounds like home...

Back on topic...

Reminder to Everyone:
I've got some extensions just beggin' for some .info files...


yep there are no files that causing probs at the mo.... tested all apart from those task specific ones......would love a working audacity.....I have vinyl i want to recover  CHUNES from...... :D
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