myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Firefox.tar.gz /

DSL users,
Because of the Flash license these have been temporarily removed from the repository.


Please use the exisiting download script for downloading Firefox.
  From the main menu:  Apps->Net->got the bandwidth->Firefox

You can add the /opt/firefox directory and the /home/dsl/.phoenix to your backup to keep your firefox intact between bootups..

Beginning with DSL 0.8.0 new versions will be made available that will address this issue.


Well that bites.  Flash is one of the things that help keep this thing goin'.

Any idea what's goin' on ?  Or did Macromedia decide to get greedy again ?

No, no issues other than our own...

Just makin things "tight & right" ...
Flash is not distributed to be embedded within a program.
It is to be d/l'ed and installed on it's own.

The new compressed iso's are in testing now, and working fine.
They are truly awesome, much faster and more friendly
than the old .ci files ...

There will be an easy link to d/l and install flash
within the new DSL 0.8  ...

Both the updated Firefox, and the new DSL 0.8
should be out real soon ...
Testing is proceeding nicely ...


Just a small point:
About including the .phoenix directory in the backup. I would suggest that
either that not be done on small backup media, or that the cache be dumped out before each backup. Your bookmarks, home page settings and toolbar preferences are saved in .phoenix, in addition to the cache. I set it all up, then restore upon bootup, then don't backup unless I want new additions and changes to .phoenix made. If you use a hard drive partition for your backup, then you are ok, but the floppy might be limited somewhat in space. The default 50000 K cache size could get big over time. That can be cut to 2000 K.
Backups to even 64MB memory stick would be ok, too. Only the floppy is the
backup media to be concerned about, and that has a lot of space, but not nearly as much as the other backup choices.
It's too bad, really, that flash cannot be included. I bet Windows XP has it somehow built into that OS, but perhaps the license cost $$$.

I set my cache at the minimum 1K size..
That way, I ALWAYS get a refresh on page changes..
I don't need to worry about a big backup because of a large cache,
( my MAIL is another story  :) )
and with High-Speed internet, who cares if the page takes 100ms longer to load ?


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