myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: myDSL Extensions for HD-Install

Amen to not being on Number 4 re-install of XP!

From start to finish this morning was I did the re-install, update, and upgrade plus grabbing selected applications was about 25 minutes.  And *much* easier than going thru all the motions with a Wintel box.

After a few more edits of things, I'll make a clone of the installation and be ready for the next time I shoot myself in both feet  :D

From start to finish this morning was I did the re-install, update, and upgrade plus grabbing selected applications was about 25 minutes.

I follow the re-install and the apt-get update part of your post...

What are you doing with the " update" part ?
Are you running "apt-get update" ?
Are you running it with your sources set to "unstable" or "testing" ?
Even if your leave your sources.lst as "stable" , I gotta ask,

Why ?

Do you have a special need for the additional packages it installs?
I run LiveCD, USBkey, Frugal, and HDInstalls on various computers, and
I never run "apt-get update" ..  never needed to..  

And since I run my HDInstall as user DSL, most all the .dsl and .tar.gz
files in the repository actually do work fine for me as installs
in my HDInstalled filesystems.

I'm just wondering if the "upgrade" could be causing some of the problems
we see in the forums, since DSL is NEVER TESTED with the "upgraded"
and/or new packages provided by "apt-get upgrade"  with any of the options.
( stable, testing, unstable, experimental )

Had to ask..


Quote (ke4nt1 @ Sep. 04 2004,14:49)
From start to finish this morning was I did the re-install, update, and upgrade plus grabbing selected applications was about 25 minutes.

I follow the re-install and the apt-get update part of your post...

What are you doing with the " update" part ?
Are you running "apt-get update" ?
Are you running it with your sources set to "unstable" or "testing" ?
Even if your leave your sources.lst as "stable" , I gotta ask,

Why ?

Do you have a special need for the additional packages it installs?
I run LiveCD, USBkey, Frugal, and HDInstalls on various computers, and
I never run "apt-get update" ..  never needed to..  

And since I run my HDInstall as user DSL, most all the .dsl and .tar.gz
files in the repository actually do work fine for me as installs
in my HDInstalled filesystems.

I'm just wondering if the "upgrade" could be causing some of the problems
we see in the forums, since DSL is NEVER TESTED with the "upgraded"
and/or new packages provided by "apt-get upgrade"  with any of the options.
( stable, testing, unstable, experimental )

Had to ask..


I'm using DSL 0.71 as a base for my hdd install. Thus to get some of  the more current versions/builds of some frequently used applications, I've used apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.

In a thread elsewhere some time in June, a far more knowledgable Linux hand indicated to me that a combination of stable and testing can be a risky situation. I thought about simply using the Debian Sarge installer this morning, but used what I have been having success with instead. I may live to regret the decision, or I may learn something new.

I can report that using apt-get to grab the xscreensaver  ver 4.16 has it working better than I had it when I'd used the xscreensaver.dsl.

What I've added has been the testing version of Samba 3.06, LinNeighborhood, Xscreensaver 4.16. Xcdroast 0.98Alpha. Upgraded several other programs like cdrecord/mkisofs and fluxbox to the most recent versions.  Samba 3.06 *may* help with some of my network problems since it uses encrypted passwords like the Windows boxen on my LAN.  Had little joy with the stable version getting the Wintel boxes to 'see' the NixBox via Neighborhood Network. LinNeighborhood worked fine to access the Winders shares.

99% of the time I operate as a user. Didn't really have any problems that I could identify as coming from using the dsl extensions on the hdd install. Had several tarballs fail to load when grabbing new themes for fluxbox though.  The way that I've been doing things is an experiment and exercise in learning Linux.

original here.