myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Creating safe extensions

That's not a bad idea, but it still doesn't address the possibility of overwriting libs between extensions, because you're still using a shared lib directory.  What I hope to achieve is a way to point a specific application to a specific lib directory, i.e. $PREFIX/lib.
Additionally, my hope is to keep from making any chages to the base DSL system...writing to /etc/ is not an option for me.

It seems that one issue I'm trying to avoid stems from the way in which DSL extensions work as opposed to typical packages such as .deb, and to apt-get.  Apt-get, for example, checks for dependencies and downloads them if necessary.  With DSL extensions, the packager manually deals with dependency checking while putting together the package.  After this point, there is no checking...the package is simply installed, and if the user already has a particular file, whether it be the actual lib or a symlink, that file is overwritten automatically.  This could cause previously installed programs to fail.  I don't know what the chances of this are, but the fact remains that it is a possibility.

It would help if I understood better about modifying sources...i know a decent amount about bash, but next to nothing about programming.

Yep I think I know exactly your problem.....and I'm also, afraid, not skilled enough to
help you. For random order loaded extensions you need exactly what you suggest
but I guess most of them will be constructed to use shared libraries......tricky.

An /opt/lib with it's citation up first might at least provide you a `one at a time' check,
while keeping you off the base system. Whilst on the subject an /opt/bin, already
cited in /etc/profile, might also help you recover from an extension clash.......i.e.
clean out /opt/bin and /opt/lib and start again.....and yep.... my .tar.gz does this as
well (bye bye old /etc/profile)


Oh yes, just to confirm I'm not suggesting that you use my .tar.gz approach (that's
pure personal use)  just that if the directories and their citations were already there then
things might be a bit cleaner..........


A good example of a wrapper concerning the separation of the apps libs is provided in the abiword.dsl

The approach you are talking about is a good one and follows the approach used in the construction of abiword.

I have pasted it here. But best to try abiword and the look in /opt/abiword

export PATH=/opt/abiword/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/abiword/lib

Thank you, robert...$LD_LIBRARY_PATH is exactly what I needed to get this working!

$AUDACITY_PATH is apparently just for configs and maybe plugins.
The extension seems to be working now...I tested a few of the builtin effects and some random edits on an mp3 file, and had no troubles.  Playback seems to be a lot smoother than with Sweep, too.
I just wish the interface was a little slimmer, would probably be a much smaller package if it just used text menus instead of those big candy icons.

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