myDSL Extensions (deprecated) :: Creating safe extensions
On the hd install,I was using a turntable with
a line amp I built into line in of sound card.
On the live cd example with Henriques
Audacity, I was using Winfast TV2000 TV/FM
card with fmtools.deb and wmtune.deb.
I probably messed something up installing
deb packages.
Pity there's nothing worth listening to on
FM around these parts.
BTW, your sweep works fine.
I wish you the best of luck with your Audacity
build, for much like ke4nt1, my eyes are glazing over
and saliva glands are in overdrive with the thought
of your package being available!
I've just never had any luck with Audacity except
under windows- and we all know what thats like,
don't we kids !?!
PS is poised and at the ready!
..... but no pressure from this end.......! 
What version of Audacity were you using?
I was just going through the changelog for 1.2.1, and one fix is:
"Fix a crash when the temporary directory is not available at startup"
This sounds suspiciously like it could cause a crash during recording.
Rebuilding the Audacity package is going okay so far.
I've added id3 tag support and a desktop icon.
After a little search both here and at xtdesktop site, it seems there's not much to be said about overlapping icons, so I just threw in a couple of numbers for coordinates.
Removing the help file doesn't seem to work, even after compiling with "--with-help=no" and again with "--without-help". Either way the help still gets included. If it's removed after compiling, Audacity will ask for the help file's location. If it's removed before compiling, the compile fails. So there's 100k that I guess will be remaining in the package.
rebuilding with a different interface (I really don't care for those big buttons) is something I'm either not going to do, or I'll put it off for a future release. I was hoping to find some replacements online because I don't enjoy editing such tiny images (one example is included with the source, but I don't like those icons either
). I didn't find anything.
FB for mikshaw-
just tried Audacity,took it for a
4 minute run,works goodly.
I knew you wouldn't do a
half-assed job!
This was your 1.21, I think I had previously
used 0.98 on HD install and I dont remember
what Henriques dsl package was,I no longer have it.
I put in dsl home and exported mp3.
I was using FMtools.deb and WMtune.deb also.
This is great!- thankyou!
I also loaded the Flux package,but I don't know what
it's features are,so I don't know what changes I'm
looking for...yet...
Anyhoo, just wanted to give some feedback.
Thank you for the feedback. I'll probably put together the new package with icon+libid3tag tonight...but I want to go through it a little more carefully first and see if there is anything else I can do to cut down the filesize. 5mb isn't too bad, but i'd like to at least try to crunch it a bit more.
On another subject, I just downloaded something called "TinyQ", which is apparently a stripped-down version of QT.
If I can get that into a DSL extension, it may open up more possibilities for other applications. I've been wanting to do Hydrogen, but being QT-based I didn't want all that overhead...this may be the ticket. The source archive is around 1mb, so that's really decent compared to the original 17mb QT
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