water cooler :: $$$VIRUS$$$
Your "no need to ever buy" statement threw me off for a minute. At first i thought you meant that there was never a need to use antivirus software...i think the capitals drew my eyes away from "buy" =o)
Thanks mikshaw, I edited my post per your comments. I get a little over-zelous when talking about these big "computer 'repair'" companies. They make me want to stab someone in the eye with the #2 pencil I use for editing.
I seriously need to update that page.
Heres another typo, i suppose;
"Why make these prgms?" on the protection page
I dont know if you delibratly did that to be super cool, part of the sms generation etc...
chickenman: "prgms" is only on the website (not the flyers) because we couldn't fit "programs" in the space we had (too many letters). Although, I may start telling people I did it to be super cool.

I once payed for McAffe Antivirus. Never again. Open source rocks.
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