water cooler :: Why did you get DSL?
Why did you get DSL ?
...I didn't , DSL got me.. 
DSL is too cool not to do. Cool factor goes a long way.
I use it on a 133Mhz laptop to a 2.2Ghz desktop and everything in between.
Someday I'll be like Ke4nt and have a dual processor server...... 
I was looking for something new that wouldn't take four days to download.
The myDSL system and the fact that everything is readable script have been the primary reasons i'm still interested over a year later.
I'd been interested in linux for a couple of years, but couldn't ever get everything to work on a new install. I tried 3 or 4 different distros and some wouldn't recognize the sound card, some the nic, etc. I started to get tired of downloading 600 MB iso's just to spend 30 minutes on an install and then not be able to get online to figure out how to get online. Then I came across DSL by way of linux.org. I burned the CD and popped it in the computer... and I've been using it ever since. I am still amazed at how much more time I have to use my computer, instead of constantly having to tweak and configure it, although I still do that for fun. DSL's the greatest.
As a teen when I first started using computer they were mainframes running Unix. (old man alert) My parents couldn't afford a mainframe for the home, so I moved on the the Apple //e, then on to IBM compatibles. Because I had learned on Unix command line I always like command line to run a computer. I went from a DOS 5.x machine to Windows 2000 machine! I hated and still hate the graphic user interface. I had heard about Linux, but computers took a backseat to my second career choice and never learned more about it. About two years ago, I was able to get a job using both my computer degree and my 'new' career choice, and was able to learn Red Hat, from the command line.
Someone download and burned DSL to a CD and I used it infrequently, but stayed with the Red Hat. We had a computer here at work that was doing nothing, and my supervisor wanted me to spend more time with Linux. So I downloaded DSL 1.5, reformatted the HD, and have been fooling around with DSL. I like it, even if it is a graphic desktop. I took an old home computer and use DSL on that now. I think it is a great quick and dirty OS/web server/ssh client, etc.
I will spend more time with it at home, at work we are building our own Linux for what we need, which is another story, but I do recommend DSL to friends that want to learn Linux. (One person didn't even know they were using Linux after I booted their computer with DSL when their computer crashed.)
So that is my DSL story.
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