water cooler :: dsl roadmap?
Just wondering what kind of plans you guys have for the future of dsl, what do I have to look forward to 
BioDSL (or Damn Subatomic Linux)
A script which will install a Frugal DSL system on an organic chip embedded just below the skin and networked to your neural system. You can set it to boot as you leave REM sleep, or have it running 24/7 (the default).
The current devel version has some bugs to squash...it's much easier to accidentally think "rm -rf /" than it is to acidentally type it.
A mutant form of DSL that 'cools' your cpu the more you run it.
As you approach 100% CPU usage, the cpu begins to drop in
temperature rapidly, therefore lowering the thermal stress,
and improving it's overclockability..
At 150% - 250% cpu usage, the temperature begins to reach
a critical mass of -250F , it's 'normal' range of operation.
At 550% cpu usage, the temps can reach -400F.
Temperatures dropping below about -425F cause a
slowdown of the circuit and electron paths, and
the cpu begins to gradually slow its performance.
Performance varies widely on several factors..
But it's quite shocking to see an old 233MMX cpu
running like it's clocked at 1.25GHz, and the ice forming
around the fan vents.. 
<more secrets await.. >
Wow, as long as we're dreaming, how about a version of DSL that magically adds back in all of the things that have been stripped away to make it less than 50 Megs? Yeh, that's it: you can finally run that simple thing you want to. So you take out the CD, shake it really hard (to summon the Gods of cosmic alignment) and the missing libraries are back! Shake it again and there's man so you can read man pages! One more shake and everything you need to do what you want is there. Do you dare shake again to bring it almost up to Debian?
I have my own prayer wheel of CDs that still don't suit my purpose. Small but mighty might be a good place to start.
Where don't you want to go today?
I have a notion that shaking the CD would bring unpredictable results, which is why the myDSL system is there in order to add a decent amount of additional software.
I think a good step forward would be all applications in a totally modular system....plug in an application you want to use and unplug it when you're done with it. Since file size will eventually not be an issue, all dependencies for each program are included with that program and separated from those of every other program. UCI is a step toward this, but i think it would be ideal if DSL could be mainly hardware detection plus GNU utils and some essential scripts...everything else would be mounted.
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