water cooler :: How can I help?
Okay I got the posts and I'm going over which stuff's already in there. When I send the stuff that isn't there to that gmail address, do you want me to send each post separate, or in one big file, and do you want me editing the information in the posts down to pertinent info, or keeping the entire posts intact, comments and all?
By the way, I noticed what may be an error on the documentation part of the site. The URL that points to the documentation project part of the blog goes to this address: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/talk/book , but that page only has a small intro and is missing the sections index that I see at this URL:
edit:nevermind, i just noticed that the title on that page is really a link to the other page. just thought i'd bring it up cause it was a little confusing at first (:
Okay, I finished up. 17 threads copied from the print page option on each one into .txt files, sent to dsldocumentation at gmail dot com. I had to send four emails cause I can only send 5 attachments at a time from my yahoo addy. If there's anything else I can do that's on the simple side, lemme know, I'm happy to help out 
original here.