water cooler :: Am I a geek?
Oh No !! .... Really ??
( I'm 42
....eeek! )
THAT'S why ke4nt drinks so much coffee. It keeps those old braincells awake!
I first knew I was hooked on being a 'geek'
when my grandmother gave me one of these kits as a youngster,
and after assembly and testing, I understood 'how' it worked,
and wanted a bigger one..
It came out the same year I was born
I'm guessing she saved it for years before I ever got it..
One of my favs.. and a great memory even now..
My other luvs were model rocketry, and telescopes..
How 'geek' can u get?
My Dad was very proud when I did the Rubik's cube.
I remember being very thrilled.
Presently, I am very thrilled, cos I've subscribed to an isp & gone online for the 1st time in my life with my DSL. Up to now I've used libraries, but now I'm 24/7 from home.
My dad was very proud when I did the Rubik's cube.
I was thrilled.
I am currently thrilled cos I've subscribed to an isp & gone online for the 1st time in my life, with DSL. Up to now I've used public libraries.
Now I'm 24/7 from home.
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