water cooler :: Camping out for DSL
you're a professional flamer, aren't you?

If you were camping out over here in England, you would need your thermals and waterproofs, AND you probably couldn't solar power your batteries. A 500ml (that's half a pint!) stainless steel Thermos would be as valuable as your DSL!
My community is so rural that not only didn't we need to camp out, but we had a half-empty theater the first week the movie was released. All I have to say is see it. There are some notable parallells with....
....this isn't a political forum so I'll trail off in the middle of a sentence now....
...which might be disturbing and thought-provoking to people of certain nationalities, but when the script was written, these parallells were simply repetitive trends in history that are just as inexorable as trends in Physics, such as dropped objects falling to the floor rather than the ceiling.
Fortunately, I did not have to camp out for the freshest DSL; I was visiting a friend who has broadband and he mentioned his very old laptop that was headed for the dump, so I told him about DSL and he burned me an iso that downloaded in less than half an hour whille we were jabbering.
Kind of exciting for a die-hard dial-up enthusiast, but my reasons for not using broadband are.....
....better discussed on a more appropriate forum.
< cringe >
I'm so rural too, but that's a joke, I live on a TINY island (U.K.,) in Europe, not exactly Nevada or Alaska.
Anyway, where I live I can't get a cellphone signal, and 4 rather than 5 TV channels. I suppose I should be grateful!?!
I guess there's parts of the U.S. where you can't get a cellphone signal?
I lived in Athens Greece for a while. When it rains (rare,) the phones don't work properly. Nor can the city drains cope with much rain. One time it rained bad, streets became rivers, one lady got washed down the drain, body found out at sea.
We get one TV station since we don't have cable. ;)
I'm in Northern CA, and it's small enough that I like to use little euphemisms on the internet instead of the real name of the town. It's hard for people in other regions of the US to believe just how redneck this place is. It's kind of an odd mixture of redneck majority and very vocal and very different minority, but I'm getting over a period of several years of despising this town and starting to find things to like about it.
I apologize for the actions of my government. Not everybody here supports everything the current powers-that-be do and I am not the only ignorantly provincial citizen who hates my ignorant provinciality and is doing the best I can to change that about myself.
To get back on topic, even if you have Xmule and a fast broadband connection, this movie is definitely worth seeing in a theater the first time through.
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