water cooler :: anyone tried retrobox.com?
I clicked on a google ad (from inside the dsl forms) for retrobox.com and they have cheap used laptops. Can anyone vouch for them? any experiences?
My old boss used to buy PC's from them a lot, and has recommended them to several customers. I think he has one (a retrobox pc) in the warehouse running inventory software.
Dang, I don't click on ads, but thanks bunches for the link! If you're not too busy, would you mind telling me how to narrow the search for laptops? I need one for my Dad's 70th birthday present. He never did adjust to Winblows but he was a brilliant DOS programmer in his day and I'd love to share DSL with him; shouldn't cost me more than $50 or so for all he really wants or would use.

I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Do you mean narrowing a search on google?
I just went to http://www.retrobox.com, then entered the consumer site (as opposed to the corporate site), select laptops, then you can choose price, speed, etc.
Can any kind soul point out if it ships overseas? The FAQ was murky on the matter.
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