water cooler :: LinuxWorld Conference
I'm hoping to do my first test runs of DSL shirts very soon (have the screens, but need to sort out a few issues before I attach them to the silk), so should easily have at least some sort of shirts made before then if you guys need 'em. Obviously I won't be going... 
I'll post in the "shirts" thread when I get some done, if all goes well will need to sort out how funds get back to John&Co., etc...
Can we get a picture of you guys in "uniform" at the bar or at the conference?
And what i would also like to ask: I would like to know a little bit about the history of DSL. Who started it .. Who are the "oldest" members.. What do you guys do for a living...
(Who's gonna be the vice president of the board when the "company" goes big
original here.