water cooler :: Under $200 Wal-Mart PC with Xandros
Um...not that it's any of my business or anything and I am aware of the fact that this is a tech support forum and not a political discussion group, but personally I would not buy a roll of toilet paper from WalMarts for moral reasons:
Down and Out in Discount America
You're your own person and you're going to do what you're going to do, but DSL and Slax BOTH run like a dream on my Compaq Presario S5000NX which was not that much more expensive than a Walmart's special, and DSL also runs beautifully, if a bit slowly, on my 166 Mhz PII, circa 1996. I haven't tried it yet on my 400 Mhz PII which I got for $30 on eBay.
If you have the know-how to build something from scratch (which I don't) you might be surprised at what parts you can find people giving away on freecycle.
I'm done.
I'll shut up now.
Computers are kinda like legos.
Except computers can only go together one way. 
original here.