water cooler :: Ham
The BEST way to learn morse code is with a "Code Buddy" .
The tapes get old and familiar, and ARRL broadcast come and go quickly.
On-air learning is best for improving your skills, once you've got down the basics.
I taught my kids most of the frequently used letters, to the point that they
could make simple words, in an afternoon..
And yes, your first license, which allows you privledges in LOTS of areas,
requires no code to be used or tested. Study the online practice test at
www.qrz.com , and go take that test!
Hi there,
They've changed the licenses here in the UK recently. We've now got a three tier system. Also, there is no morse requirement anymore, more a morse 'appreciation' test. I may get around to learning morse eventually, but for now doing qrp on the hf bands (espcially the extended portion of 40m 7.1-7.2MHz) is good enough for me 
72 Nicholas 2E1LOK / GQRP 11458 / K2 #2448
P.S.: I got my license before they shuffled the levels round. Mine was the original novice license, now I'm automatically an intermeadiate, 50W power and I can build my own gear! 
I bought the ARRL book, "Now You're Talking" at a local bookstore yesterday to study for the Technician level license. The 35 question exam for Technician license doesn't seem like it'll be difficult. I'll be ready soon for the next exam available in my area. No Morse test required for Technician license.
However, I plan to learn Morse right away anyhow because you get some privileges on 4 of the HF bands if you pass the test (used to be called Technician Plus, but that license level is no longer given), even before taking the General level exam. And the Morse test is required for a General licence anyway.
I learned Morse code many years ago as a Boy Scout, haven't thought about it in the past 30 years, but I'm pretty sure I can pick it up again. It won't be an entirely new trick for this old dog... er, penguin.
Kent et al,
Greetings, I am also a ham.. I have had my tech class license for about a year. Morse code is not ALL THAT hard, although it is a challenge and I have yet to chew threw it. and like all other things you will loose it if you dont use it.
We have an active group of ham users, but not a bunch of Ham teachers/tutors in our area. I personally have an interest in homebrew /QPR however I would need to some help with it. My first attempt at a homebrew crystal set was just this side of a disaster! LOL..
Anyway.. Best of luck !
Grr. Im so Jealous. I really want to be HAM ;p and packet radio. For Emergency Uses. Im in the National Guard and I think this kind of stuff would be interesting/valuable to my unit. GRR!!!
It makes me mad! Anyway..if we all become Hams we can talk to each other on the air, right?
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