water cooler :: programming PIC chips
With all the interesting things people have done with DSL (inc Ke4nt's APRS/PSK31 etc... antics), has anyone programmed Microchips PIC chips under DSL (or any distros for that matter) 
there may be a program via apt-get that does it.
it would be cool to try out 
They have quite a few resources for PIC chips HERE. The first link on the Software list is for a Linux software, seems like the link is broken though. There are some out there though, you're just going to have to look for into it.
WEll theres GNUPIC which list many programmers and compilers.
Theres even a program to runs microchips PICSTART PLUS programmer, unfortunately the gui is in KDE 
I don't really know how to program PIC chips, not that I don't want to, so the things they say in those sites is mostly gibrish to me. 
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