water cooler :: Buying a CD
I wonder how long it will take to get from the USA to the UK...just ordered the business card cd.
wondering the same ...being in Italy and just ordered 3 cd..

Well, I kinda got the CD 5 days ago! And im stuck with it on my laptop for good aswell, damn good thing i like it 
got my 3 Cd's in Italy (shipped on 24th Jan),arrived today safe and in great shape.
DSL booted and it's running very nice,pretty damn nice.

You could go to a Compusa or simliar store and buy a 50 cd-r pack of the 8 cm sized cd's 20 dollars. They hold 180~210 megs or 21~25 minutes each.
They also have buisness card sized ones, but since they dont show them online, I cant quote price or storage.
But some of them can even be printed on, or you can get the labels for cheap (Actually not cheap).
If you really want some business card size cd's screen printed, go to a print shop or three and shop around. You might get a good price.
(Note: Business Card CDs != 8cm cds. the Business ones are smaller and are not the full size of the card. And slot CD drives do not accept the cds very well, so stick with 12cm sized cds for laptops with slot drives)
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