water cooler :: XliveCD
Just for fun. A bash shell, many nix utils, and X, running in Windows with no installation. http://xlivecd.indiana.edu/
With this you can run X apps from your DSL computer from Windows machine.
This is not remote X. It is local X running remote X-apps via ssh.
Boot your DSL computer. Change the password for user dsl, or add your windows user to DSL with the menu System->Add Users
Thats it.
From windows, boot the XliveCD and then ssh into your DSL box, something like this:
Desktop> ssh dsl@
Then you can run an Xapp, like say sylpheed.
This will work with DSL without running X in DSL.
For example:
boot: dsl 2 ssh
This will start DSL at runlevel 2, cli, and start ssh deamon.
Then from Windows you can run sylpheed, or firefox, or other Xapps.
That looks really cool. I had Cygwin running ok when I was starting to get interested in Linux, but it was difficult to get X set up and configured. I'm going to have to try this out...eventually. I've never had much luck downloading more than 100mb through dialup, though.
hmmmmmmm, looks useful, i have tried and failed to use xwin32 and even dsl under qemu to get x redirected from a shell server to my windows pc, looks like this may be the answer 
i have no time today but i will try it out tommorrow 
will it support network x connections ie: on the remote machine typing xterm -display mywindowsbox:0.0 and the windows machine accepting the x connection
aarrgh, just looked at the iso size and it is 377mb, ouch, maybe i will give that one a miss 
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