water cooler :: Bash Blogger-0.3.3
Hello all, I've just finished a new version of my Bash Blogger app and I thought I'd share it with you guys. I've thoroughly tested the install script this time so, maybe nobody will punch me in the kidneys this go around.
I've fixed quite a few things, from the CHANGELOG:
* Problem with non-GNU versions of `ls' fixed from a patch
submitted by doorsvie.
* Edit and Remove submenus reworked to page through entries from
newest to oldest, ten entries at a time.
* Archive and Index generation changed to work on file creation time
instead of system modification time. This was accomplished by
modifying the filenames of the bits in the .entries directory.
Existing entries will have to be updated by hand, new entries are
automatically gnerated in the new format.
* Implemented Blogroll support
* Fixed a couple of annoying menu bugs
* Moved bblog.conf to ~/.bblog.conf
* Added options for local and system-wide install
* Cleaned up root directory
* Rewrote bblog to be called from anywhere in the users $PATH for a
system-wide install
* Some code clean-up
Oh, I also added a new template "apartment-building" that my wife designed and I tweaked a bit to work with Bash Blogger. If anybody's interested, the demo site has it's own sub-domain now at:
Is there a place we can upload personal tools we've created to use with 'bashblogger' for others to use?

Email it to me at grim_at_grimthing_dot_com or give me a link where I can download it. Any hints as to what your "personal tools" might be?
Does you 'bash logger' create the sort of pages I've seen on your blogger prog site (i.e. inc menus and backgrounds)? Or does it just produce the content?
I wonder if it works with livejournal...
*downloads to test*
and there is no link to here on your site? Do I need to make a darker motif banner for your linkage needs?
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