water cooler :: hikarunix Go Linux
Brilliant find - I'm downloading now 
I wouldn't have bothered to check this out but as a keen GO player it's a great idea.
The standard computer version of THe Many Faces of Go is windows based and takes up about 60+ mb.
Anything that spreads the word is a bonus.
Also after dsl I'll know how to tweak it.
Must add it's a bloody brilliant adaptation of DSL.
A lot of thought went into it. A must for anyone with an interest in playing GO and a good pattern for anyone else making a task specific booting distro.
Well, I do have a remaster of DSL 0.8.2, and I have Opera 6.03, Firefox and Wvdial. Havn't put it up anywhere for download. It's about 68 MB.
Running it right now.
My splash screen has bright yellow text for the boot: prompt, and whatever you enter is that color also, very easy to see.
Another Distro is Luit Linux, based on, and the developer has informed me that work will soon cease due to time constraints. That one is pretty good, and a nice starting point for a remaster. One nice thing about DSL is that it will take Opera well, and boots on almost all computers! I'm thinking about remastering it, but I realize that one has to have a key for Opera, or you have to put up with the advertisements.
(I have a key, and it takes effect when I restore, /home/dsl/.opera
That has to be put in the /home/dsl/filetool.lst

What is the name of that UT2k4 linux? I would like to know. Might be fun for some of my friends.
the ut2k3 distro is a gentoo linux derivitive. You can get it from Fresh Meat UT2k3 link
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