water cooler :: fav game system
The first game to which i was addicted was centepede....that roller ball just made sense. Now the mouse and keyboard are like the descendants of the centepede controls.
say what you want, but I voted XBox because of Star Wars Battlefront and Halo 2. I know playstation 2 is great as well, and I think Playstation 3 will blow XBox out of the water (but that isn't out yet). I like the fact the the controller has three motion controls, four buttons, and two triggers. I aalso like the graphics and the gameplay.
No NeoGeo!?
My favorite game was "Risky Rescue" that was played on an Atari 400 (modifed with an enhanced keyboard).
The wife and I spent many hours copying code from "Antic" magazine to tape drive and were thrilled when
the game started and was playable.Pong was the dumbest game "console" I owned but what the heck
you have to start somewhere eh!
Atari_Antic magazine cover
I can still remember when my dad shelled out nearly $300 for the "LATEST"
game system available.....Intellivision.
I thought that was the greatest game console ever. A few family members got a console and we would get together and have all kinds of tournaments.
I haven't done much gaming since those days. I guess I would be considered "old school"
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