water cooler :: free web hosting
does anyone know of a good free web host? my old host (freesites.ws) closed down and now my site is offline. i desperatly need a good host.
i dont want banner ads on the pages. popups are ok. ftp is a must. 25 mb is sufficient and bandwidth at least 500mb a month.
if anyone can host me or knows of a good host please please reply.
If you're looking for an opensource host, try Sourceforge.net or Berlios.de
im not looking for a project host, its a website host i need.
Hey bluefreak,
Did you check out doteasy.com
Might work for you.
Have been using them for more than 3 years now with no problems.

looks good, but i dont have a real domain name. and i have to pay for the transfer even if i have one. 
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