water cooler :: DSL -vs- FEDORA
Sorry Doobit & CBagger01, I did not see your posts until I answered Brians. I will check on Knoppix & Mandriva, thanks for the idea's.
This server is only a Samba server, no other services. No monitor, keyboard or mouse. The client has been telling his software vender it is a MS small bizz server, because the venders software will not run on a linux server...Its been there for more then 4 years.
The server loaded Fedora from a DVD it 8 minutes, I was shocked at the speed of this thing. For a cheapy Dell server anyway.
Thanks you guys.
CentOS won out, for two main reasons:
easy install and easy yum updating.
Compiling a new kernel proved to be a challenge, so I did not try it on the other distro's. After it worked, one was enough. The latest kernels do not support ide tape drives. So I had to add ide-scsi module, failed, so I got ide-tape to work instead. What a pain in the butt.
Thanks to all that played along! 
original here.