water cooler :: I'm going to be a daddy!
Christmas morning my wife woke me up to inform me that we have a little bundle of joy on the way. That's right, I'm gonna be a daddy!
So, if I've been a little preoccupied over the last few weeks and haven't been doing my part to contribute, you'll have to forgive me. My mind has been on other things.
Before any of you ask, yep, this is my first child. My wife is going to the doctor tomorrow afternoon to make sure everything is copacetic, and in (roughly) nine months, I'll probably be too distracted to participate in anything for awhile again.
Okay, that's all. You won't have to worry about being subjected to baby pictures until sometime late summer. 
A Grimling?
Look out world...
No shit, right?
I'll be getting called into school when the kid's in kindergarten because she/he won't stop correcting the teacher. 
Hi Grim,
Glad to see you in the forums. Its been awhile.
Thanks for sharing such great news with us.
Wishing you, yours, and the one the way, all the best.
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