water cooler :: Old 98SE box as a Linux app
I use AVAST (free home edition) for some of my MSWindows OS installs without problems.
To keep it lean and mean, I only install the runtime/resident protection and skip all the extra fluff like mail/IM/peer-2-peer protection. The resident protection will catch virii from these delivery systems if a virus file is ever accessed by the OS.
Hi cbagger01!
great tip as always
everything is stable now Avast has replaced AntiVir.
The nicest thing about using a VM image was zipping it up before making any major changes and then having these VM archives available as restorable snapshots.
Since this project was really about finding a way to run 2 programs which have no Linux equivalents .... I'm very happy with the results. Perhaps I could have achieved similar results with CrossoverOffice and Win4lin but it would have been expensive ......
The only interesting Windows program I found was an old freeware program which puts a network icon in Win98's system tray. (see screen shot in my first post)
The newer shareware version has more features but didn't fit it to my recycleware constraints 
original here.