Apps :: Perl install on dsl4 help reuqested
Couldn't have been that simple!
When you click the myDsl menu, the only option is mydsl browser. I selected that, gtk2, then selected the gtk2-0705.dsl file.
The 1st and large comment states;
** You must select UPDATE_TO_GTK2 from MyDSL menu **
Only problem is I don't have that option. Is that something I must enable? This was tried both botting off the compact flash drive (live mode) as well as booted off the internal drive (normal) with the same results.
*** nevermind above ***
stupid me, did the download then saw it on the menu. Clicked, hd went on/off a bit then nothing (maybe no confirmation) but looking to test perl now
ok here is where I am at.
Did the download of the new .dsl extention, clicked it on the myDsl menu and it seems to have installed. If I jump to a shell, type perl<tab><tab> perl5.8.0 perl5.8.7 so it does seem that perl 5.8 is installed also. I retried the app and still no good same error;
Can't locate LWP/ in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.8.7 /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.8 /usr/share/perl/5.8 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at ./ line 3.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./ line 3.
It looks from the error that it used the new path as I see the 5.8.7, but not sure how to proceed.
Thanks you both for the help so far, really looking to get this done, I can tell I am so damn close!!!!!
I'm not too sure where gtk2-0705.dsl loads perl-5.8.7 but the trick is to find and copy it into one of the paths stated after @INC.
On the right-click menu there is a find application under tools if I remember correctly - this will probably help
Thanks, that did fool it a bit until it tried a true LWP get command. The I linked to was from a Test folder.
It seems that the perl 5.8.7 full doesn't come with LWP. My co-worked tried installing via CPAN with errors so I am continuing my search.
Thanks, I am learning a lot on DSL here, so it can't be all bad right? 
Not all perl modules are in DSL. Not all perl modules are installed by gtk2 upgrade extension.
This extension does upgrade perl to 5.8.7 and does have the minimum needed for the intended purpose of running the other gtk2 apps in that section of the repository.
I believe someone is working on producing another gtk2 extension.
To print the Perl module serach path
perl -e 'print join("\n",@INC). "\n"'
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