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deb2dsl creates "muse.dsl", probably in /home/dsl. Load that the same as any other dsl extension; no more apt-get.
EDIT: If alsa isn't recognizing your midi input devices, etc., forget it. I currently use a windows PC for a recording studio. Have you tried Audacity (in the MyDsl repository) for basic wave editiing, recording, etc.?
Yes I've used deb2dsl and it does create a muse.dsl but when you try to re-load it after a reboot it doesn't reload.
Alsa is recognising my midi input device ( you look in proc/asound/cards and it's listed there). The difficultly is when you come to using a sequencer....what do you select? My USB midi interface is not listed in the available outputs. So my guess is that some sort of named pipe has to be set up pointing to the dev that is the midi interface. I remember when running Steem ( Atari emulator) normally I could get midi output if I typed /Dev/midi00 - but then that would send midi out through my soundblaster.
When you look in the devs folder there are many listings in I can I tell which to use?
All I know is that when I view proc/asound/cards I can see two things - on 0: I see my Soundblaster. On 1 I see my UM-1X Edirol midi interface.
It's not the end of the world...I can go over to Ubuntu Studio as it's more suited to the's just it would have been nice to get this all working so I can boot from USB.
Also you can't put a soundblaster PCI card into a laptop....or a mini we're stuck with using USB or Firewire midi interfaces and on board sound ( Unless of course you buy a usb audio/midi interface ).
Incidentally when I fired up Ubuntu Studio it didn't recognise my M Audio 2x2 midi interface...which is my Studio 2 go distro does recognise it and it works straight out of the box.
I am doing this whole thing more for an experiment initially, but it would be nice to get it working and booting from USB. Also I like the quick loadup times of DSL...if I was using another distro and the hard drive corrupts its' frustrating...of course you can boot from a live CD and use a USB pen ( with the other distrols).
Audacity is a great tool but I want to do midi sequencing. I've used Rosegarden and it's a great bit of software but I prefer's more ( almost identical ) to the Atari St/Cubase interface which I still think was one of the best designed / thought out sequencer in terms of editing. Of course Rosegarden is still work in progress and I am amazed they have done so much in such little time ( including getting VST instruments working).
Maybe I should save myself a lot of time and go and fork out for a sound module like a Yamaha Motif ES Rack. Trouble is they're best part of £800 which I don't have!
original here.