Apps :: which wiki to install?
Hello, I installed DSL on a Toshiba 220CS laptop.
DSL is running perfectly, where the old W98 system was very troublesome!
I want to use it mainly to run a wiki-engine, for private use to store everything I need in my personal knowledge base. I want to query the wiki on my laptop, or on the local network it is attached to.
I started off with, which seemed a perfect minmalistic wiki running with Perl, but it doesn't work (missing, and got all sorts of compatibility problems while trying to upgrade)
Has anybody succesfully got a simple wiki running under DSL/webmonkey?
(Please no wiki-flavour wars, I just want to hear succesfull experiences)
Sorry that there is no reply sofar 
Perl is no good in DSL. I cannot update Perl by apt-get, neither can I install by CPAN...
So I tried to install Python, and put the in /opt/monkey/cgi-bin/ and changed the parameters, according to the manual.
monkeywiki is a very tiny wiki -but fully featured- and could be well suited to run under DSL. After creating my first page however, It refused to save any other changes. No errors given...
I tried with Ubuntu (apache) and here no problem. Any ideas?
It's probably a file permissions issue. Make sure the user who runs (probably "nobody"?) has write permission to the wiki directory or directories.
There is a bourne shell (sh/bash) based minimalist wiki being developed by garbeam at, although I have no idea about its current status.
original here.