Apps :: Torsmo
I have an Inspiron 4000 and I just noticed the same thing tonight when I did a
HD install of DSL. No battery showing. Any help appreciated. Also, how do I set this as an icon as I wish to possibly tweak the way it looks...if that is possible.
But the bigger question is how would one do a Bios update? And would that screw with the current DSL that I have installed? I just want to see my battery needs.
Thanks ahead of time..
The battery meter work fine on older laptops, those that support apm.
You may have to adjust your defult boot settings or bios to use the older apm if possible.
It works great on my Toshiba Sat Pro 480CDT also.
Just went into my bios and there is no setting to change to APM. I I have an Inspiron 4000 laptop. I wonder what's up. Any other suggestions to get the battery monitor working? How about any other simple battery monitors?
Thanks ahead of time.
I'm using DSL-2.1b and wmacpi_1.99r7.dsl on my laptop 
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