Printers :: CUPS
Hallo all,
I have installt CUPS with apt-get install cupsys
now i can print a testpage from CUPS but not from Firefox ??
Howto print to my cups Printers from any Application 
Pleas Help 
I remember a software called xpp (X Printing Panel). Search for it in Google, is very cool, is more light than the KDE Printing Panel. It is made with FLTK, so is very light and does the job.
For example, in firefox you put the command 'xpp' inside the File-Print menu, properties button. And when xpp is lauched, you can select your printer, adjust preferences and so on.
Hope this was useful. 
This looks like a nice utility. I wonder how big it is and if it works with apsfilter instead of CUPS. And if it has any dependencies that are not part of the base DSL distribution.
I just installed CUPS via apt-get and appear to be able to print from any app including Firefox by just clicking the printer icon. Man, I was surprised how quick it was to setup and print. Looks like a possible .dsl candidate or at least a cupsdeb.tar.gz package. I'll need to play some more.
Here is a mini howto for those interested
I have tried to follow clivesays linked quick howto install cups, etc... I know have many dependency errors!
Whats the process for capturing the output of xterm
I would like to post the error log here, in the hope that someone can guide me to where I'm going wrong...
Any help appreciated!
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