Printers :: compiling printer driver
I did the install, and got some messages noting that not all packages were included, etc. Running ./configure again, I still got the error about no libusb support. Researching it a little, it looks like cerrain files need to be replaced, permissions granted, it needs to load at runtime in root,etc., etc. I'll have to do some research in order to make sense out of all of this. Thanks
Well, I got libusb working; it needs to be manually unpacked and compiled. Apt-get install doesn't do it.
Next problem; it needs CUPS installed to compile, but now CUPS won't load (it did previously). I'm getting a message that there's no room left on the device (whatever that means..there's plenty of RAM and swap).
Are you trying to re-download the module with MyDSL or just trying to restart from the menu?
I was attempting to load it using MyDsl. It worked after rebooting.
In attempting to configure and install a HP printer driver, so far I've had to download and compile libusb, cups-source, net-snmp, and libjpeg packages.
To compile, of course, it was necessary to load G++ and python, and export the path. I also needed to install lib6 and libc6-dev packages. ALthough I compiled and installed a libjpeg package, I'm still getting an error message about not finding support for it when attempting to configure the printer driver. I don't know how many more packages I'll need, or if I'll ever be able to get the printer to work even if I get it installed.
I'm just enjoying the challenge; it's probably much easier to just boot up my windows OS when I need to print something out. I guess I'm not ready to give up my windows "habit" yet. 
Good luck. I was able to build the hpijs driver and get it working for my hp printer. I think I remember also having to build libusb and libjpeg. However, I did not rebuild cups. I used the MyDSL extension. I might of tried but it just had too many depenencies for my limited knowledge. I needed to install the foomatic-rip and foomatic-gswapper perl scripts from I also found a missing perl script referenced in foomatic-rip. End the end I got it to work (maybe I was just lucky).
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