Printers :: Adding usb printer lexmark 1150?
Is this possible?
The 'configure printer' didn't seem to want to know about usb......

It would appear that usb printing is possible, from the Apsfilter screen:
A P S F I L T E R Parallel Interface Settings -- Device --
Depending on your flavour of Unix, you have to enter the
*full path* to your parallel Interface. In case of trouble please
contact your local system administrator or read your operating
systems technical documentation, FreeBSD handbook or Linux HowTo.
Some examples:
FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD: LPT1: /dev/lpt0 LPT2: /dev/lpt1
USB under *BSD: /dev/ulpt0 /dev/ulpt1
USB (no reset): /dev/unlpt0 /dev/unlpt1
Linux: LPT1: /dev/lp0 LPT2: /dev/lp1
with devfsd: /dev/printers/0 /dev/printers/1
USB under Linux: /dev/usb/lp0 /dev/usb/lp1
SunOS4: /dev/bpp0 /dev/bpp1
Thank you, I'll give that a whirl!

The example I used was an EpsonC62 usb printer.
Brilliant Clivesay. Without that pdf I would not have stood a chance!
I'll try it out!

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