Printers :: Ted crashes when I try to print
I have a HD install of DSL 2.1 and have set up my Canon bjc 1000. It works fine using bjc 800 drivers. The showstopper for me is that I cannot print from Ted! If I try to print, Ted vanishes without a peep. Seems to print okay from other applications. Anyone have a clue what could be going on? Ted seems like a really great little word processor but I really need to be able to print. 
I ran Ted from the console and when it crashes it reports the following;
appFont.c(406) swdth="bold"
appFont.c(506) foundry="artwiz" family="aqui" swdthStr="bold"
appFont.c(497) spacing="n"
appFont.c(406) swdth="bold"
appFont.c(506) foundry="artwiz" family="glispbold" swdthStr="bold"
"X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attribute)
Major opcode of failed request: 42 (X_SetInputFocus)
Serial number of failed request: 8045
Current serial number in output stream: 8045"
This mean anything to anyone? I notice that Ted also will crash/disappear when I click on "properties" with the same error as above. Also I should mention that I'm running the Xfree86.dsl package along with artwiz. Those are the only additions to the install.
There is something wrong with the version of TED that is included with DSL 2.1 (Ted 2.16). Either libs or something.
I can get that error by choosing "Properties" on the Ted menu after a failed printing attempt has already happened. Restarting the app does not make this behavior stop happening.
However, a reboot will clear it until you try and print again.
My suggestion is to download the ted.dsl extension from the MyDSL repository.
original here.